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(Bonded Logistic Center)

Definition of Bonded Logistics Center

Definition of Bonded Logistics Center

The Center for Bonded Logistics (PLB) is one of the policies issued by DJBC based on Economic Policy Volume II published by the President of Indonesia.
The Bonded Logistics Center is a multifunctional warehouse where import duties and import taxes are postponed and raw materials are stored for up to 3 years until there are buyers. The PLB is also equipped with Quality Control so that small industries and SMEs can import and export optimally and their products are more competitive
PLB is expected to reduce logistics and transportation costs, and support the growth of domestic industries, including small and medium classes, increase foreign and local investment and can help foster Indonesia as a logistics center in the Asia Pacific region.
PLB is a multi-functional logistics warehouse used by importers and exporters to store goods originating from outside the Indonesian customs territory and / or from other places in the Indonesian customs area with facilities such as:
- Flexibility of Import and Export of Goods
- Flexibility of Simple Activities carried out at PLB
- Ownership Status Flexibility
- Tax and Customs Flexibility
- Flexibility of Storage Period
- Fiscal Facilities
- Self-Managed Storage
- Clearance with Temporary Imported Goods and combinations with other customs facilities such as MITA, KITE etc.
- Warehouse and Inventory Management
- Handling Customs Import and Export Licensing
- Manage the process of sending domestic imports and exports
- GPS and E seal
- Value Added Service Options
- documentation
- Track and Monitor Shipments (real-time) facilities
- Inventory monitoring facilities (real-time)
- Protection of Goods Insurance
- Security and Monitoring Systems.
- Suspension of import taxes and payment of import duties (until cargo is released by PLB)
- Reducing storage costs / over-time anchored costs and handling fees at Indonesian ports.
- Increase cash flow and factory raw material turnover
- Shorten the delivery time of logistics
- Storage period up to 3 years (extendable)
- Simple activities such as Maintenance, Cutting, Canting and Decanting, Surveyor Inspection (LARTAS) and other activities can be carried out at PLB
- Ease of managing cargo re-export numbers and schedules
- Goods can be stored in PLB while waiting for the master list or other document processing
- Partial Delivery depends on needs and production schedules

Location of our Bonded Logistics Center (PLB):

  • KBN Marunda, Jakarta
  • Mayjend Sungkono, Gresik
  • KIM II, Medan
  • Tambak Langon, Surabaya
  • Margo Mulyo, Balikpapan