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LARTAS Goods Import Solutions

LARTAS Goods Import Solutions

Prohibited and/or Restricted Goods (LARTAS) refer to types of goods whose trade is prohibited or restricted by a country's government, including Indonesia.

The primary goal of LARTAS regulations is to safeguard national security and safety, public health, the environment, and the country's economic interests. What precisely is this LARTAS entity? By whom are regulations concerning LARTAS issued?

LARTAS Definition

In cross-border trade (export-import), there are various goods whose import and export are prohibited and/or restricted. These goods are commonly referred to as Lartas goods.

The term Lartas is an acronym for Prohibitions and Restrictions, used in the context of international trade for both exports and imports. Certain goods are restricted or prohibited from being traded between countries.

Lartas goods necessitate special permits for importation or exportation. The phrase "affected by traffic" simplifies the classification of goods needing this permit.

Lartas goods necessitate special consideration as permits are necessary for the export-import procedure. Nonetheless, not all imported items belong to the Lartas classification and thus do not need special permits. The issuance of permits for Lartas goods is intended to safeguard national interests.

Who is responsible for issuing regulations concerning LARTAS for the entry and release of imported goods?

The regulations concerning LARTAS uni itself are issued by the pertinent technical agencies. These technical agencies are departments or non-departmental government agencies at the central level, which establish LARTAS regulations on imports or exports and present these regulations to the Minister of Finance, such as:

The Ministry of Trade oversees and monitors goods that are prohibited or restricted from import or export.

The Ministry of Industry issues regulations concerning goods categorized under Lartas, particularly those related to industrial raw materials.

The Ministry of Health oversees the import and export of health and pharmaceutical products, such as medicines and medical devices.

The Food and Drug Regulatory Agency (BPOM) oversees and controls the distribution of food, beverages, medicines, and cosmetic products.

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry issues regulations concerning goods that affect the environment, like hazardous waste and products containing ozone-depleting substances.

The Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) supervises the enforcement of rules concerning imports and exports at ports and other entry points.

Various agencies coordinate Lartas regulations to ensure compliance with relevant national and international standards.

PLB as a solution for handling trafficked items

Items categorized under LARTAS can be kept at PLB, yet they must adhere to LARTAS rules and conditions. The renowned PLB for incoming items is governed by Minister of Trade Regulation No. 36 of 2023.

Despite being in the PLB, specific permits and approvals are necessary before distributing or using the item. This is where PT. Transcon Indonesia comes in to facilitate Lartas goods.

While awaiting the completion of the PI process, you can designate TCI as the PLB for your imported goods and return empty containers. Additionally, you will encounter various PLB benefits from TCI such as:

  • Temporary halt of import tariffs and settlement of import fees (until the cargo is cleared by PLB)
  • The next benefit is the reduction of storage costs, overtime berthing costs, and handling costs at ports in Indonesia.
  • Enhance cash flow and factory raw material rotation.
  • Accelerate logistics delivery times.
  • Storage duration of up to 3 years (can be extended).
  • Basic tasks like maintenance, cutting, repacking, surveyor inspections (LARTAS), and other tasks are feasible at PLB.
  • Facilitates setting the quantity and schedule for re-exporting cargo.
  • Items can be kept at PLB while awaiting the masterlist or other document procedures.
  • Partial deliveries are made based on requirements and production schedule.

Do not hesitate to utilize the services of Transcon Indonesia. Transcon Indonesia, a competent and value-added company in the logistics sector, is dedicated to offering simpler, more efficient, and transparent operations. With extensive knowledge of customs policies, advanced information technology capabilities, and strategic partnership facilities, TCI can address your logistics requirements cost-effectively. Therefore, seek advice on your Lartas goods management needs now and receive top-notch service from Transcon Indonesia!

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